Common salt is mainly comprised of sodium chloride, which belongs to the category of ionic salts. Manufactured through the process of evaporation of spring water, sea water, salt has immense industrial and domestic usages. Important industrial products encompass chlorine, caustic soda paper pulp, plastics, and other such products. Agricultural sector, de-icing highways, and water drilling processes have tremendous use of salt. Table salt, comprised of 40% sodium, is crucial for the effective functioning of the body owing to fact that it has sodium. Sodium performs some very vital purpose in the body by helping the muscles and nervous systems to perform effectively. Apart from this, it can help regulate the water content or maintain fluid balance. Refined table salt comprises 97-99% of sodium chloride and so anticaking agents are added.
Certain table salts meant for consumption comprise of additives that really address a variety of health concerns. Table salt manufacturers on Tamil Nadu manufacture iodised salt that is mixed with small amounts of different salts of Iodine element. Iodine ingestion helps in preventing iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency impacts around 2 billion people globally. Developmental disabilities and intellectual disabilities can be prevented with iodised salt. The dietary mineral and micronutrient iodine is incredibly important for human body.
Salt manufacturers in Tamil Nadu manufacture edible salt and table salt and then iodises them by spraying potassium iodide solution over it. Owing to the fact that anti-caking elements like calcium silicate are added to the table salt, one can never find clumps in the salt. The manufacturers of Tamil Nadu also make the availability of double-fortified table salts. Such a kind of salt has double fortification with iodine and iron. The microencapsulated iron along with stearine that is added to the salt prevents it from reacting with iron content. Iron along with iodine acts as the most convenient vehicle of essential salts in the human body. The sustainable approach can combat iron and iodine deficiency at the same time. Salts are made available in bulk by the Tamil Nadu manufacturers and these are used for pickling vegetables and other food products.